Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The Proverbs 31 Woman

Proverbs 31:27-28 She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat of the bread of idleness.  Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her:

I have been staying with my daughter and her husband for several weeks to help with the two grandchildren.  Because my daughter's first son Bryce has special needs, I am needed to help drive him to therapy or to participate when his therapy takes place at home.  The newborn son takes up a great deal of my daughter's time nursing. As I help with the grandchildren, I realize how important the wife, mother, and grandmothers are to the household and family affairs. A woman who loves the Lord will follow the Biblical advice of watching over the household.  She is never idle but is rather always juggling her many responsibilities.  In the case of mothering young children, there are endless numbers of chores and things to do involving caregiving.  A godly woman will do these tasks cheerfully and lovingly.  My daughter shows an amazing depth of Christian love for her children. She tirelessly helps with Bryce's therapy four times a week, and she does it joyfully. These therapies include physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and eating therapy.  She works on strengthening his weak leg by having him stand, walk, and practice on the stairs. His left hand is weak, and she repeatedly works with him to hold the sippy cup and pick up things. She encourages speaking because he is delayed. She buys toys with therapy as well as fun in mind. She must work on feeding therapy because the left side of his tongue is weak.  She watches closely for seizures everyday. He has been to the emergency room many times for seizures.  She gives two kinds of medicine three times daily.  She takes him to a pediatrician, a neurologist, an opthamologist, and an orthopedic specialistic for foot braces.  Her day totally revolves around his needs and now the new baby's needs. Her children will arise and call her blessed as they get older.  Her husband praises her now.